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The Evolution of Speculative Fiction: 101 Great SF and Fantasy Titles

Phantastes/ George MacDonald (1858)
Journey to the Centre of the Earth/ Jules Verne (1864)
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland/ Lewis Carroll (1865)
Flatland/ Edwin Abbott Abbott (1884)
The Time Machine/ HG Wells (1895)
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz/ L Frank Baum (1900)
Voyage to Arcturus/ David Lindsay (1920)
We/ Yevgeny Zamyatin (1921)
The Worm Ouroboros/ ER Eddison (1922)
The King of Elfland's Daughter/ Lord Dunsany (1924)
Lud-in-the-Mist/ Hope Mirrlees (1926)
Last & First Men/ Olaf Stapledon (1930)
Brave New World/ Aldous Huxley (1932)
The Circus of Dr. Lao/ Charles G Finney (1935)
The Foundation Series/ Isaac Asimov (1942-93)
The Gormenghast Trilogy/ Mervyn Peake (1946-59)
Nineteen Eighty-Four/ George Orwell (1949)
Earth Abides/ George R Stewart (1949)
Conan the Conqueror/ Robert E Howard (1950)
The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe/ CS Lewis (1950)
Cities in Flight/ James Blish (1950-62)
The Dying Earth/ Jack Vance (1950-84)
The Day of the Triffids/ John Wyndham (1951)
Fahrenheit 451/ Ray Bradbury (1953)
Childhood's End/ Arthur C Clarke (1953)
Bring the Jubilee/ Ward Moore (1953)
More Than Human/ Theodore Sturgeon (1953)
The Lord of the Rings/ JRR Tolkien (1954-5)
The Death of Grass/ John Christopher (1956)
The Stars, My Destination/ Alfred Bester (1957)
The Once & Future King/ TH White (1958)
A Canticle for Leibovitz/ Walter M Miller, Jr (1959)
The Sirens of Titan/ Kurt Vonnegut (1959)
Solaris/ Stanislaw Lem (1961)
Hothouse/ Brian Aldiss (1962)
The Drowned World/ JG Ballard (1962)
A Clockwork Orange/ Anthony Burgess (1962)
The Man in the High Castle/ Philip K Dick (1962)
A Wrinkle in Time/ Madeline L'Engle (1962)
The Man Who Fell to Earth/ Walter Tevis (1963)
Dune/ Frank Herbert (1965)
Babel-17/ Samuel R Delany (1966)
Make Room! Make Room!/ Harry Harrison (1966)
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress/ Robert A Heinlein (1966)
Flowers for Algernon/ Daniel Keyes (1966)
The Owl Service/ Alan Garner (1967)
The Last Unicorn/ Peter S Beagle (1968)
Stand on Zanzibar/ John Brunner (1968)
The Swords of Lankhmar/ Fritz Leiber (1968)
Dragonflight/ Anne McCaffrey (1968)
Pavane/ Keith Roberts (1968)
The Left Hand of Darkness/ Ursula K Le Guin (1969)
Time & Again/ Jack Finney (1970)
Ringworld/ Larry Niven (1970)
The Female Man/ Joanna Russ (1970)
Nine Princes in Amber/ Roger Zelazny (1970)
Grendel/ John Gardner (1971)
Viriconium/ M John Harrison (1971-84)
Watership Down/ Richard Adams (1972)
The Infernal Desire Machines of Dr Hoffman/ Angela Carter (1972)
Elric of Melnibone/ Michael Moorcock (1972)
Dying Inside/ Robert Silverberg (1972)
Roadside Picnic/ Arkady & Boris Strugatsky (1972)
The Dark is Rising/ Susan Cooper (1973)
The Forever War/ Joe Haldeman (1974)
The Compleat Enchanter/ Fletcher Pratt & L Sprague de Camp (1975)
Norstrilia/ Cordwainer Smith (1975)
The Riddle-Master of Hed/ Patricia A McKillip (1976)
Gateway/ Frederik Pohl (1977)
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant/ Stephen Donaldson (1977-2013)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy/ Douglas Adams (1979)
The Land of Laughs/ Jonathan Carroll (1980)
Riddley Walker/ Russell Hoban (1980)
The Book of the New Sun/ Gene Wolfe (1980-3)
Little, Big/ John Crowley (1981)
The Mists of Avalon/ Marion Zimmer Bradley (1983)
Neuromancer/ William Gibson (1984)
Mythago Wood/ Robert Holdstock (1984)
The Handmaid's Tale/ Margaret Atwood (1985)
Ender's Game/ Orson Scott Card (1985)
Hyperion/ Dan Simmons (1989)
Good Omens/ Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman (1990)
The Wheel of Time/ Robert Jordan (1990-2013)
The Children of Men/ PD James (1992)
Snow Crash/ Neal Stephenson (1992)
Parable of the Sower/ Octavia E Butler (1993)
Assassin's Apprentice/ Robin Hobb (1995)
His Dark Materials/ Philip Pullman (1995-2000)
A Song of Ice & Fire/ George RR Martin (1996- )
Harry Potter/ JK Rowling (1997-2007)
Perdido Street Station/ China Mieville (2000)
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell/ Susannah Clarke (2004)
Old Man's War/ John Scalzi (2005)
Never Let Me Go/ Kazuo Ishiguro (2005)
The Road/ Cormac McCarthy (2006)
The Mistborn Trilogy/ Brandon Sanderson (2006-8)
The Name of the Wind/ Patrick Rothfuss (2007)
The Three Body Problem/ Liu Cixin (2008)
The Wind Up Girl/ Paolo Bacigalupi (2009)
Station Eleven/ Emily St John Mandel (2014)
Broken Earth Trilogy/ NK Jemisin (2015-7)


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